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If you listened to the video on my website, you know my story about how I got interested in doing hypnosis/hypnotherapy for a living. I was introduced to it by my brother who quit smoking after 1 session and decided to start a small side business helping others.
I was not interested in the path he was taking. We were Catholic and I believed it was going against our faith. In my ignorance I would pray for him thinking he was beginning to do the work of Satan, this was something way out of my comfort zone, for a couple of years I refused to hear him out. However, over time I allowed him to educate me, after what I had heard, I began allowing him to work with me. One of the convincers was that Hypnosis was approved by the Catholic Church in the '50s as well as the American Medical Association to aid in healing.
As I started my business over 25 years ago, people were a lot like I was, not believing in Hypnosis they would throw away my business cards as I would walk away from them. Some were afraid to look at me in the eyes, as if I had control over them, or doing something to them, a lot of others thought as I did, this was not something Christians should do. Again, to our ignorance, the name Hypnosis conjures up a lot of different thought processes, a lot of them are negative. They judged me as I judged my brother.
I am sharing information from Rev. Paul Durbin Chaplain, Ph.D./Hypnotist in this and the second part of this blog. He said the first written recorded use is found in the book of Genesis 2:21-22. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to sleep very deeply, and while he was asleep, God removed one of the man’s ribs. Then God closed-up the man’s skin at the place where he took the rib. 22 The Lord God used the rib from the man to make a woman, and then he brought the woman to the man. (NCV) “God used Hypnosis as an anesthesia so that Adam felt no pain”.
Chaplain W. Leo Peacock has a New Testament illustration in a paper he wrote “Religious Hypnosis and Personal Control”. He is making a point with his interpretation of Matthew’s account of Joseph’s dream concerning taking Mary as his wife (Matthew 1:20-25) Peacock writes that this is a clear description of an individual being hypnotized, while under hypnosis given a post-hypnotic-suggestions which he immediately acts as soon as he came out of the hypnotic state (trance).
Laying on of Hands
The practice of “laying on hands” in the bible uses techniques from Hypnosis. Acts 28:8 NCV 8 Publius’ father was sick with a fever and dysentery. [a] Paul went to him, prayed, and put his hands on the man and healed him. There is also a reference in the book of Acts (Acts 14:9-10) where an apostle looking into the eyes or gazing into the eyes resulting in healing. 9 As this man was listening to Paul speak, Paul looked straight at him and saw that he believed God could heal him. 10 So he cried out, “Stand up on your feet!” The man jumped up and began walking around.
Rev. Paul Durban tells the story of 2 Roman Catholic Priest in the eighteen Century who used hypnosis to gain a reputation as a healer, Father Hell, and Father Gassner. Due to their influence, Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer played a significant role in the history of this industry. Father Gassner would those who wanted to be healed brought into a room and would tell them to wait. As they allowed their expectations to grow, Father Gassner would majestically enter the room, lower his cross on the head of the patient and command them to sleep. The patient would collapse and upon command would rise to praise God for Healing. Father Hell used hypnotic techniques and metal plates. He believed that illness occurred when the magnetism of the body was out of polarization. He would have his patients lie down and pass metal plates over them. His suggestions and the passing of the metal plates seemed to cure those who came to him for healing. This all leads to belief.
In the more modern history of hypnosis is considered, to begin with, Franz Mesmer (1735-1815) was greatly influenced by Father's Gassner and Hell. Mesmer decided it was the metal in Father Gassner’s cross that caused cures as well as the religious significance of the cross. If the metal in the cross could bring cures, perhaps it could be used for healing. With this information and other experiments made by Father Hell in mind, Mesmer began to develop his theory of "Animal Magnetism.”
In the middle 1800s, three doctors, Elliotson, Esdaile, and Braid, who coined the word “hypnosis” used hypnosis in their medical practice. Both Elliotson and Esdaile performed many surgeries with only hypnotic anesthesia, it has been reported that the mortality rate for major surgery was about 50%. There were several hundred people operated on by Esdaile (using hypnosis) mortality rate dropped to 5% and in none of the fatal cases was death an immediate outcome of the surgery.
Dr. James Esdaile (1808-1859) wrote that (A) hypnosis is a natural God-given method is healing. (B) The power produced by the unconscious mind of one under hypnosis is similar both in quality, character, and degree with the power of the creator. (C)
All men have within them special power given by God, the power of hypnosis—to direct their movement and provide for themselves. Doctors Mesmer, Elliotson, Esdaile were condemned by their fellow doctors for their uses of hypnosis.
I remember reading some research on hypnosis and quitting smoking. The doctor said at the end of his research paper. There is not a lot of research on hypnosis, mainly because of the stigma that comes with it. He was incredibly surprised to see the results of his research and would continue to move forward learning and researching more.
Please look for Part 2 of Christianity and Hypnosis for the more modern approach. You can also request another paper with more information and scriptures too along with both part 1 and part 2.
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